End of the week

First off, where HAS this week gone? I can’t believe it’s already Friday. Things have been going ok here. . .other than getting hit with another winter storm. . .please. . .can the snow just STOP!? The thing that makes it even harder is the fact that it’s also bitterly cold out there so the kids can’t even enjoy the white stuff.

This week we’ve been studying the Letter D with Madusa (Let’s just say after doing some theme packs we are going back to a letter of the week. It seems to be doing better this time around with her). We focused on dogs and dinosaurs and a few random ducks. We still have some ducks outside so we had to add them.


She loves using her Bingo markers. Here she is dotting her D’s. She used one color for big d’s and another for little d’s. I got these here at 3 dinosaurs.  We use a lot of her printables and Madusa seems to enjoy them.


This was something new we tried and she really liked it. I got it from 1+1+1=1  I printed off just the picture cards this round but I think I might try to use the words too for the letter E.


This is another new activity we did and we will do again. I got it from here. Madusa cut out the pictures that began with the letter D and then pasted them to a large letter D. She made this last two days. She enjoyed it but got a bit tired of cutting. She finished it up today and was SO proud of it when she pasted the last one on the letter.


She practiced writing random letters. H and A is her favorite ones to write 😉

DSCN0357 DSCN0359

We did a letter D search in their (slightly messy) room. She decided it was time to play with her dolls for a bit of time and Racecar joined in. She decided Tiana needed a bath and racecar got Belle ready for one next. 🙂


Racecar worked on his huge solar system floor puzzle. He is studying Neptune/Uranus the next couple weeks.


Houdini approves of the puzzle 🙂


and a bonus picture because. . .how stinkin’ cute are my babies?

& racecar really did do a lot more. . .I just need to take more pictures of him while he works. 🙂 

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